Becoming The Traveling Youngs
In 2018, we felt called to make a difficult decision.
We realized that we could keep doing what we were doing: spending two hours commuting every weekday, picking up our daughters from daycare at 6:00 pm, and generally being so busy that we didn’t have time to enjoy anything.
Instead, we decided to sell our house in a transient suburb, move to the country where my family has deep roots, and travel part-time in our RV.
There is Always a Choice
We realized we had a choice. We chose to sell our house, work remotely and take our daughters out of public school. All of these decisions have their own challenges and life is not always rosy. But, we are living on our own terms, rather than doing what we were “supposed to do.”
Even before we sold our house, we were very fortunate to travel all over the world. It is amazing to see the education our girls receive visiting places they are learning about in school.
“Those that love their own chimney corner, and dare not go far beyond their own towns shall never have the honor to see these wonderful works of Almighty God.” – Rev. Francis Higginson, Salem Puritan Minister (and early adventurer)
RV and Simple Living…as best we can.
While we can work remotely, we can’t be away for too long. I don’t think I would ever want to “full-time” RV. We do love our chimney-corner and town. So, we try to go for a couple of 8-10 week trips a year.
Justin and I always dreamed of having space where we could have a little Alpaca farm. We’re not there yet, but when we are home, we live in an old bank barn. It was built in 1879 and remodeled by my grandfather in the 1980s. Living in the country affords us the space to grow our own vegetables and have chickens and bees. Who knows, maybe our future holds a goat or two.

And, we’re sharing our experience.
At home and on the road.
This blog is meant to be a scrapbook for the girls, a creative outlet for me, and will hopefully provide practical tips for those who may find our experiences helpful.
But, most importantly, I hope this will be proof (or approval if you need it) that you can step out in faith. You can make the choices that you feel called to make, even if others don’t understand or agree with them.
Thank you for stopping by and sharing in our journey.
Fort Sumter Sherman’s Church, Low Country, SC